Crescent Hill Baptist Church



We need help understanding this painting and all interpretations are welcome.
The fork could suggest a meal -- perhaps a picnic on a blanket -- or it could represent the quandaries of making decisions -- as in standing at the fork in a road wondering which road to take. The lighthouse offers hope of the way home to ships at sea. The light across the top of the painting could represent the sun or moon and/or the light of the lighthouse. Flames of fire seem to shoot out from the right and left while in the center is odd shaped object. Could the object be a fret on the stylized guitar strings which run diagonally down from the light at the top. Could it be that music helps us connect with the forks in our road and the destiny we're looking for? Help me out here.

John Arnett
October 17, 2004

2800 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky 40206
(502) 896-4425